Saturday, July 01, 2006

It's Because.

*note: below is a poem I'm reposting.
reasons: i)because it's lovely.
ii)because it's meaningful
iii)because it's related to what it is below.

Curled up in darkness,
She's been.
Discovering the meaning of lonliness,
She has.
Grieving in isolation,
She found comfort.

She began staring at walls,
She wandered in her dreams & nightmares.

She saw moving dark images,
She made friends with Shadow.

Shadow was her friend,
Shadow was her comfort.
Shadow was her guardian,
Shadow was her love.

It was mutual,
It was true.

They were inseperable,
It was a connection between two hearts.

Kittyfish felt contented,
Her world was lighted.
Kittyfish was nurtured with warmth,
She was in love.

Her urge grew,
She wanted it all,
She wanted to withdraw Shadow.

In that realm they found joy,
In that darkroom they found light.
In Shadow, she found a beautiful soul,
In Kittyfish, Shadow found ... ?


It's because I believe.
It's because I want it.
It's because of you.
It's because of you finding what's in me.
It's more than fictional.
It's a dream come true.

I have to be strong.
I have to believe.
I have to strive.
I have to fight.

But I can't hurt no one.
I can't bear to.
Because they love me.
Because I love them.

** they wouldn't make any sense if you don't understand what it is really about and what is really going on deeply within something I call.... my life. ( as cliched as it may sound.)
but then again.. trust me.. you really.. wouldn't understand. because I wonder if i do so myself.
oh, what the heck. =)


mode de la shadow said...

baby.. my ring..

Amanda Ho said...

yes dear.. ur ring. just urs ^^

Anonymous said...
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