Friday, July 06, 2007

My Lair.

Last term in our 'creative & marketing' class, we were told to write about our room but in a none descriptive way. "Tell it like how you would a story", Rico said. So here is mine..

This crack on the door, tells a story of a rebellious person behind it. While the angry note saying "KNOCK!!!" shouts at you. Thus the ambiance upon entering is far from what you might had in mind. The most important asset, is strangely a double-decker that only accommodates one. Frustratingly, it never fails to create another bump on the head. This, a closet-sized room had often been suspected to be the cause of her 'dwarf-height'. Nevertheless, she never gave in to trade for a larger, more spacious room. When the curtains are down, the walls are cool, it feels like heaven to sleep in.
To recall, it's been a while since the curtains were up. The last time, it was the existence of a
feline mother-and-child right outside the window. It brought a whole new life to this room. It was a story of its own to bring smiles on the face of this girl living next to them. She watched and waited everyday and sometimes even night. Hoping to be small and invisible enough to not catch their sight. Sadly the kitten did not last long enough to widen her smile. Nevertheless, this tiny space had compiled tears, laughter and secrets that reflects more than anything about her inside-out.

'Angel of my god, My gurdian dear,
To whom gods love entrusts me here,
Ever this night be at my side,
To light and guard, To rule and guide.

A little prayer someone once taught me.

Prints on my comforter. If you 'get' it =)

Oh, and this.. if you see what I see ^^ *lol*


Claire said...

u finally took off those boy band posters from your door!! HALLELUJAH!!! i was so shocked to see them last time, i can't believe such poetic amanda will actually have those kinda posters on her door.

btw, i got it, ngo oiy ney means i love you in chinese? such strange translation O.o

i love your room actually, small but it has a lot of deep and meaningful things in every corner. and it's very girlish too XD can't wait to have another sleep over with you again ^^ at least you don't make noise and snore know who i'm talking about >.<

Anonymous said...

i love your what u said..COZY!!even it's small,i think it's really nice to live's very girlish too compared to mine XD

Ciaee said...

Mandabun~~~ ngo oi ney~~~ *kisshes*

'A said...

hah, love the last pic~ the iron burn. is that real?! cos the iron burn looks kinda big XD and that rotten and mad cdmclaire cow, what snore, what noise! hoh! *fanning meself like dumblonds* XD

Amanda Ho said...

reply to ashy: OMG it's real Kelle!! *laughs till leg cramps* XD XD XD and i love it too.. everytime i get up from my bed and when the sun light shines through, it brings a smile to my face XD (i think u are the only one who 'got it' from that pic -_-" throws confetti in ur eye XD)

reply to ciaee: ngo oi ney too ciaeedear!! XD XD *kiss kiss*

reply to claire: so when are we having a slumber party together? XD err.. but how i wish i can set a rule like "NO SNORING TONIGHT" T.T *oops*