Tuesday, June 24, 2008


The flight's at 0810.

So, that means I have to be there 45 mins before the check-in time closes.
I can't sleep last night. (well, if you consider heading off to bed half an hour before the time that I have to wake up is still called a 'sleep'? or rather... a nap?)


I was in borders yesterday, killing my time away in the Gardens Mid Valley since I had no where else to go then and finished a short story from this book of ghost stories which I can't remember the name. By a Singaporean named Andrew Lim. And yes, I was thinking about the story all the time when I closed my eyes and I couldn't sleep TT (stupid me)

So yea, this explains why I have gotten myself ready so early before time and had enough spare to time write on my blog XD *bah*

Wish me a safe and fun trip to Langkawi y'all!
XD tata's~

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